Excavation works
Design Check Approval of Structural Designer
Design Check Revision #/ Date
Design Check Excavation Location
Design Check Excavation Depth
execution of Excavation Site Fencing
execution of Excavation Site Contouring
execution of Excavation Layout
execution of Excavation Level Marking
execution of Excavation Adjacent Water body distance
execution of Excavation Adjacent drain line
execution of Excavation Night soil Pit
execution of Excavation Utility Connections
execution of Excavation Water Table
execution of Excavation Seepage Pressure
execution of Excavation Soil Type
execution of Excavation Excavation Method
execution of Excavation Earth Protection
execution of Excavation Earth Stacking Yard
execution of Excavation Bracing at shore/Palisade (if depth above 8 ft)
execution of Excavation Rain Protection of excavated edge line
Others Dewatering Pump
Others Ladder/ Stair to climb up from ditch
Others Sufficient Manpower
Safety Access (stair, Passage)
Safety Light
Safety Rain Protection
Safety Safety Gears