before, during and after Paints works
Design Check Color/Shade Approved by P & C
Design Check Revision #/ Date
Design Check Location
Design Check Client’s Approval
Checking before Start Any patch or honey Comb on the surface
Checking before Start Opposite site plaster/Mosaic/Tiles completed
Checking before Start Surface cured & dried
Checking before Start Check the surface level
Checking before Start Brush out the loose surface
Checking before Start Stoning (#80, #120)
Checking before Start Sealer or Primer
Checking before Start Putty is prepared and finished the day
Checking before Start Day’s after putty for prime coat
Checking before Start Ventilation for 1 month after final coat
Checking before Start Surface smooth after putty
Checking before Start T-6 Thinner used 20% for primer
Checking before Start T-6 Thinner used 5% for each coat
Checking before Start Surface leveled before final coat
Checking before Start The coverage area 300sft/4 ltr for 3 coats
Distemper Paints Mixing Ratio to the water & Paint 2:3
Distemper Paints Mixed paint used duration less than 1 hr
Distemper Paints Application Area
Distemper Paints Applied by
Distemper Paints Interval of successive 2nd & 3rd coat 48 hrs
Plastic Emulsion Paint Surface Leveled and dried 100%
Plastic Emulsion Paint 1 coat with Bison thin 20% T-6
Plastic Emulsion Paint 30 sqm/ 4 ltr for 3 coats