আমাদের কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় বই।এর মধ্যে ১৮৫ নং বইটি বেশি প্রয়োজন।
Md. Ashraful Haque, 17-Nov-2012
ভিউ : 52693
1 | A Course in Civil Engineering Drawing | Sikka, V. B. |
2 | A course in docks and harbour engineering | Bindra, Dr. S. P. |
3 | A course in Highway engineering | Bindra,S.P. |
4 | A Practical Guide on Construction Drawings and Reinforcement Detailing | Iqbal,S. |
5 | Engineering drawing : Geometrical drawing | Gill, P. S. |
6 | A textbook of estimating and costing (civil): Including accounts and building bye-laws | Kohli, D. D. |
7 | A textbook of railway engineering | Saxena, S. C. |
8 | A textbook of transportation engineering | Chandola, S. P. |
9 | A textbook of Water Power Engineering: Including dams engineering, hydrology and fluid power engg. | Sharma, R. K. |
10 | A textbook on basic civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with practical’s and viva | Gupta, J. P. |
11 | A textbook Of Engineering and General Geology | Singh, P. |
12 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | Varghese,P.C. |
13 | Advanced technical communication | Tyagi, Kavita |
14 | Basic civil engineering | Hiraskar, G. K. |
15 | Basic Communication Skills For Technology | Rutherfoord, A.J |
16 | Building Construction | Rangwala |
17 | Building construction handbook | Mathur, S. |
18 | Building materials | Varghese, P. C. |
19 | Civil Estimating & Costing: Including quantity surveying, tendering and valuation | Upadhyay, A. K. |
20 | Concise handbook of Civil Engineering | Vazirani, V. N. |
21 | Concrete Technology | Rethaliya,R.P. |
22 | Concrete technology: Theory and practice | Gambhir, M L |
23 | Concrete technology: Theory and practice | Shetty, M. S. |
24 | Construction management and P.W.D Accounts | Lal, D. |
25 | Construction of structures and management of works | Rangala |
26 | Construction project planning and scheduling | Patrick, Charles |
27 | Construction Project scheduling and Control | Mubarak, Saleh |
28 | Construction Technology | Bryan, T. |
29 | Design Graphics: Drawing techniques for design professionals | Koenig, P. A. |
30 | Design of concrete structures | Bandyopadhyay, J. N. |
31 | Design of reinforced concrete foundations | Verghese, P. C. |
32 | Design of reinforced concrete shells and folded plates | Verghese, P. C. |
33 | Design of reinforced concrete structures | Gambhir, M. L. |
34 | Design Of Small Dams | United states department of the interior |
35 | Design Of Steel Structures | Sai Ram,K.S. |
36 | Design of steel structures | Dayaratnam, P. |
37 | Design of steel structures | Segui, William |
38 | Dynamics of Structures | Paultre, Patrick |
39 | Dynamics Of Structures Theory and applications to earthquake engineering | Chopra, A.K. |
40 | Earthquake Engineering For Structural Design | Mathur,S. |
41 | Earthquake Resistant Building Construction | Sharma,N. |
42 | Earthquake resistant design of structures | Agarwal, Pankaj |
43 | Earthquake-resistant design of masonry building | tomazevic, Miha |
44 | Electrical engineering fundamentals | Toro, Vincent Del |
45 | Elements of bridge tunnel and railway engineering | Bindra,S.P. |
46 | Water: Culture, Politics and Management | Vatsyayan, Kapila |
47 | Elements of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics | Raikar, R. V. |
48 | Elements of civil engineering and engineering Mechanics | Prakash, M. N. Shesha |
49 | Engineering Fluid Mechanics | Balachandran,P. |
50 | Engineering Fluid Mechanics | Kumar,K.L. |
51 | Engineering in rocks for slopes, foundations and tunnels | Ramamurthy, T. |
52 | Engineering management: Challenges in the new millennium | Chang, C. M. |
53 | English For Engineers | Abidi,A. |
54 | Estimating, Costing And Valuation | Rangwala, S.C. |
55 | Fluid flow in pipes and channels | Asawa, G. L |
56 | Fluid Mechanics | Pnueli, D. |
57 | Fluid Mechanics | Kumar, D. S. |
58 | Foundation design in practice | Ghosh, Karuna Moy |
59 | Foundation engineering | Varghese, P. C. |
60 | Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing: With an introduction to interactive Computer graphic for Design | Luzadder, Warren J. |
61 | Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics | Munson,B.R. |
62 | Fundamentals of reinforced concrete | Sina, N. C. |
63 | Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design | Gambhir, M. L. |
64 | Fundamentals Of Soil Dynamics and earthquake engineering | Prasad,B.B. |
65 | Fundamentals of Structural Analysis | West, Harry H. |
66 | Fundamentals of structural analysis: With computer analysis and applications | Roy, Sujit Kumar |
67 | Fundamentals of surveying | Roy, S. K. |
68 | Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices | Coduto, Donald P. |
69 | Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Mechanics) | Ramamurthy,T.N. |
70 | Groundwater hydrology | Todd, David Keith |
71 | Groundwater management: Sustainable approaches | Bhatnagar, Meenu |
72 | Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods | Pansu, Marc |
73 | Harbor, dock and tunnel engineering | Srinivasan,R. |
74 | Highway Engineering | Wright, Paul H. |
75 | Hydraulics and Pneumatics | Upadhyay, A. K. |
76 | Hydrology and soil conservation engineering: Including watershed management | Das, Ghanshyam |
77 | Hydrology and water resources of india | Jain, sharad K. |
78 | Indian Practical Civil Engineering's Handbook | Khanna, P. N. |
79 | Industrial waste water treatment | Patwardhan, A. D. |
80 | Introduction to hydraulics and pneumatics | Ilango, S. |
81 | Introduction to Hydrology | Viessman, Jr. Warren |
82 | Irrigation and drainage engineering | Siddiqui, Iqtidar H. |
83 | Irrigation and water power engineering | Das, Madan Mohan |
84 | Irrigation engineering & hydraulic structures | Sahasrabudhe, S. R. |
85 | Irrigation Engineering : Including hydrology | Sharma, R. K. |
86 | Limit state design in structural steel | Shiyekar, M. R. |
87 | Limit state design of reinforced concrete | Varghese, P. C. |
88 | Managing the Construction Process: Estimating, Scheduling, and Project Control | Gould, Frederick |
89 | Manual of Soil analysis: Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation | Margesin, Rosa |
90 | Mastering: AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 | Omura, George |
91 | Mechanics of structures Vol.2: Theory and analysis of structures | Junnarkar, S. B. |
92 | Microsoft Office Project 2003 | Chatfield,C. |
93 | Practical design of reinforced concrete structures | Ghosh, K. M. |
94 | Principles and practice of bridge engineering | Bindra, S. P. |
95 | Principles and practice of soil science: The soil as a natural resource | White, Robert E. |
96 | Principles of highway engineering and traffic analysis | Mannering , Fred L. |
97 | Principles of pavement design | Yoder, E. J. |
98 | Principles of tunneling, ports and harbours | Singh, P |
99 | Principles of water and wastewater treatment | Gaur, P. K. |
100 | Professional Communication | Tyagi,K. |
101 | Properties of Concrete | Neville, A. M. |
102 | Question bank Civil Engineering | Murty, V. S. |
103 | R.C.C. design and drawing | Sharma, N. |
104 | Principles Of Railway Engineering | Rangwala, S. C. |
105 | Reinforced Concrete Vol-1 | Shah,H.J. |
106 | Soil and foundation engineering | Upadhyay, A.K. |
107 | Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | Schwab, G.O. |
108 | Soil mechanics & foundation engineering | Raj, P. Purushothama |
109 | Soils in construction | Schroeder, W. L. |
110 | Stability analysis and design of structures | Gambhir, M. L. |
111 | Steel structures: Design and drawing | Upadhayay, A. K. |
112 | Strength of Materials | Upadhyay, A. K. |
113 | Strength of Materials | Chakraborti, M. |
114 | Strength of Materials structures | Case, John |
115 | Strength of Materials | Upadhyay, A. K. |
116 | Strength of Materials | Singh, Surendra |
117 | Strength of Materials: Mechanics of solids | Kumar, Ranjan |
118 | Strength of Materials | Chakraborti, M. |
119 | Structural analysis | Das, Madan Mohan |
120 | Structural analysis: In theory and practice | Williams, Alan |
121 | Structural Design in Steel | Raz, Sarwar Alam |
122 | Structural mechanics | Upadhyay, A. K. |
123 | Structures | Schodek, D. L. |
124 | Surveying | Saikia, Mimi Das |
125 | Surveying | Bannister, Arthur |
126 | Surveying and Leveling (Part 2) | Kanetkar, T.P. |
127 | Technical Communication A Practical approach | Pfeeiffer,W. S. |
128 | Technical Writing | Basu,B.N |
129 | Technical Writing Process And Product | Gerson,S.J. |
130 | Textbook of geotechnical engineering | Khan, Iqbal H. |
131 | Textbook of soil mechanics and foundation engineering | Murty, V. N. S. |
132 | The Seismic Design Handbook | Naeim, Farzad |
133 | Theoretical foundation engineering | Das,B.M. |
134 | Theory and practice of foundation design | Som, N. N. |
135 | Theory of Structures | Khurmi, R. S. |
136 | Transportation Engineering | Upadhyay, A. K. |
137 | Transportation engineering: An Introduction | Khisty, C. jotin |
138 | Tunnel engineering | Saxena, Subash C. |
139 | Turbulent flow | Garde, R. J. |
140 | Understanding concept of structural analysis and design | Parikh, Janak P. |
141 | Valuation of real properties | Rangwala |
142 | Water And Waste water Systems | Ahluwalia, P. |
143 | Water and wastewater technology | Hammer, Mark J. |
144 | Elements of civil engineering | Kandya, Anurag A. |
145 | Water Resources Engineering | Wurbs,R.A |
146 | Water resources engineering | Sahasrabudhe, S. R. |
147 | Water supply and pollution control | Viessman, Warren |
148 | Water supply in rural india (policy and programmed) | Ghosh, G. |
149 | Water Works Engineering Planning, design and operation | Qasim,S.R. |
150 | Soil mechanics | Lambe, T. William |
151 | Basic civil engineering | Gopi, Sathees |
152 | Building practice: Civil engineering | Singh, Suraj |
153 | Estimating construction costs | Peurifoy, Robert, L. |
154 | Prestressed concrete bridgrs | Raju , N. Krishna. |
155 | Road infrastructure : Issue and implications | Date, Vivek |
156 | Quality management of cement concrete construction | Gahlot, PS |
157 | Soil survey manual | United state department |
158 | Transport planning and traffic engineering | Flaherty, C. A. O. |
159 | Textbook of soil mechanics and foundation engineering | Murthy, V. N. S. |
160 | Pavement analysis and design | Huang, Yang, H. |
161 | Integrated life cycle design of structures | Sarja, Asko |
162 | Structural analysis | Das, Madan Mohan |
163 | Transportation Engineering and Planning | Papacostas, C.S. |
164 | Principles of transportation engineering | Chakroborty, Partha |
165 | Theory and practice of water and wastewater treatment | Droste, Ronald |
166 | Highway Engineering | Wright, Paul H. |
167 | A dictionary of civil engineering | Ghose, D. N. |
168 | Bridge Maintenance, safety and management | Mathur, Sanjeev |
169 | Soil mechanics & foundation engineering | Raj, P. Purushothama |
170 | Structural plasticity: Limit, shakedown and dynamic plastic anayses of structures | Yu, Maohong |
171 | Basic engineering mechanics and strength of materials | Das,Madan,Mohan |
172 | Elements of civil engineering | Saikia, Mimi, Das |
173 | Analysis and design practice of steel structures | Ghosh, Karuna Moy |
174 | Soil mechanics and foundation engineering | Kalita, Utsav chandra |
175 | Surveying | Saikia, Mimi Das |
176 | Elementary engineering surveying | Ghosh, J. K. |
177 | Reinforced concrete: Handbook for building design limit state & working stress methods of design | Krishnamurthy, D. |
178 | Cities and urban life | Macionis, John J. |
179 | Canal design and construction | Bairathi, V.K. |
180 | Experiments in hydraulic engineering | Singh, Sarbjit |
181 | Strength of Materials | Srivastava, A. K. |
182 | Basics of the Engineering Drawing | Engr. Siddiqi, Zahid Ahmed |
184 | Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry
Engineering Drawing: with an introduction to AutoCad | Bhatt, N. D.
Jolhe, Dhananjay A |
185 |
Bangladesh Gazette | Dr Kamal hossain |