Sl. No. | Name of Tests | Rate in Taka |
1. | Compressive strength | 450.00 |
2. | Tensile strength | 450.00 |
3. | Setting time | 90.00 |
4. | Normal consistency | 75.00 |
5. | Specific gravity | 150.00 |
6. | Specific surface | 60.00 |
7. | Autoclave expansion | 150.00 |
8. | Heat of hydration | 150.00 |
9. | Flexural strength of cement mortar | 75.00 |
10. | Fineness by the No. 100/200 sieve | 40.00 |
11. | False set of cement (mortar method) | 40.00 |
12. | False set of cement (Paste method) | 40.00 |
13. | Abrasion (L.A.) | 150.00 |
14. | Sieve analysis/F.M. of fine aggregate | 150.00 |
15. | Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate | 150.00 |
16. | Sp. gr. and absorption of coarse aggregate | 90.00 |
17. | Sp. gr. and absorption of fine aggregate | 90.00 |
18. | Total moisture content of aggregate | 105.00 |
19. | Relative density and absorption | 105.00 |
20. | Unit weight (bulk) of aggregate | 105.00 |
21. | Voids in aggregate | 105.00 |
22. | Materials finer than No. 200 sieve | 60.00 |
23. | Soundness | 1500.00 |
24. | Clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate | 60.00 |
25. | Crushing strength of boulders. | 400.00 |
26. | Crushing value | 150.00 |
27. | Organic impurities in sand for concrete | 500.00 |
28. | Flakiness index | 200.00 |
29. | Elongation index | 200.00 |