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Estimate for Cast-In-Situ Pile The diameter of the pilot is 18". A total of 8 16mm diameter rods were used in the pilot from top to bottom. The spiral is done with a 10mm rod. Spiral spacing 4 “C / C on the first L / 4 and the last L / 4. The rest must hold 6” C / C. ( 100 rft )
18" Boring 100.00 rft 0.00
Stone 141.37 cft 196.20 27,736.98
Sand FM 2.5 70.68 cft 76.05 5,375.02
Cement 44.61 bag 603.75 26,935.04
reinforce bar or rebar or rod 587.10 kg 0.00
Total amount 60,047.04