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Civil Quiz 29
Lacquer paints
An activity requires
The 4th quadrant is in which position?
In a brick nogging type of partition wall the vertical wooden members are called
A pump that can evacuate air is called as
Agate cap is fitted with a
Three basic raw materials which are needed in large quantities for production of steel are
If a line RS lie on both vertical and horizontal plane then which of the following two views coincides to give a line again?
By which process, odour producing substances is oxidized?
Total effective bearing area of both the bowls of a pot sleeper, is
Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?
. _________ _________ is the factor used to obtain the design seismic force depending on the functional use of the structure, characterized by hazardous consequences of its failure, its post-earthquake functional need, historic value, or economi
A flexible material used for D.P.C. is
Permanent hardness of water can be removed by
Which of the following should not be a composition of boiler-feed water?
The frictional resistance of clayey soil is
Pandrol clips cannot be used with
Fluorides in solution form are preferred over powdered form for fluoridation.
Main causes of bleeding :
Quick lime (or caustic lime)
When the water level on the downstream side of a weir is above the top surface of a weir, the weir is known as
Which type of load is applied in tensile testing?
Dry rubble masonry used in _______
To avoid an interruption in the flow of a siphon, an air vessel is provided
"""Metal laths is work as base of a plaster"", is it true or false?"
The high tensile steel is obtained by increasing content of
Which of the following diagram is represent relationship between causes & effect.
Planning is...........
Inspiring people to be high performer is called:
Inferential meters can be used for both low and high flows.