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Civil Quiz 33
A floating body is in stable equilibrium when
In modern telescope internal focusing telescope is used.
The simple elbow draft tube is placed close to the_
The opportunities to cross slow moving traffic at intervals is not provided in case of
Advantage of a clamp compared to a kiln for burning bricks is that
The ions with opposite charge can be exchanged.
For metre gauge, 49.8 to 52.3 kg/m rail section is used.
Reverberation time is directly proportional to ____________
If flying height of a spacecraft is H, the length of air base is B and the parallax difference between two points is dp, then the difference in height
Which of the following pump is sucessfully used for lifting water to the turbines?
Hydration of cement evolves heat.
For the pre-cast reinforced concrete piles, the quality of concrete recommended is
Consider the following statements about concrete sleepers. 1. They improve the track modulus. 2. They have good scrap value. 3. They render transportation easy. 4. They maintain the gauge quite satisfactorily. Of these statements
Which section of CWA regulates land disposal of sludge?
Mercury does not wet glass. This is due to property of liquid known as
Chezy's formula is given as
Pneumatic cassions used for a depth up to____________m.
The ability of sub-soil to support the load of the structure without yielding is known as
The raising of outer edge of the road above the inner edge is known as
In a doubly-reinforced beam if and is the effective depth and is depth of critical neutral axis, the following relationship holds good
Seepage through embankments in an earthen dam is controlled by
When the NPSH is low, it leads to
For first class building the foundation and plinth shall be of 1st class brickwork in lime mortar or 1:2 cement mortar over lime concrete or 1:6:7 cement concrete.
Which of the following is not a PERT event?
MIS stands for
A liquid compressed in cylinder has a volume of 0.04 m3 at 50 kg/cm_____ and a volume of 0.039 m3 at 150 kg/cm_____. The bulk modulus of elasticity of liquid is
Fish plate is in contact with rail at
The code based GPS receivers are generally used for:
According to Fanning's formula, the flood discharge (Q) in cumecs is given by
The most commonly used synthetic abrasive is