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Civil Quiz 82
The moment of a force
On what basis a harbor can be designated as natural roadstead?
The centre of gravity of a semi-circle lies at a distance of
B. If he decides to invest in A, for every rupee invested, he is assured of doubling his money in ten years. If he decides to invest in B, he is assured of making his money 1.5 times in 5 years. If the contractor values his money at 10% interest rate, he
What is the average life expectancy of most of the firms?
A rectangle is placed perpendicular to horizontal plane and inclined to profile plane. The traces would meet at
Kinematic similarity is said to exist between the model and the prototype, if both of them
Type of flow in which the velocity at any given time changes with respect to space is known as
The gas which may cause explosion in sewers, is
Formula for quick lime, is
The two point problem and three point problem are methods of
Which of the following requires aesthetically pleasant water?
A sphere is placed on H.P and section plane is parallel to H.P the section is circle and if the section plane is parallel to V.P the section is again circle.
In axed brick arches, the joints of the arch are not of uniform thickness.
The most essential feature of a turbulent flow is
Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done much better and faster if you possess the quality of _______ _______ ______________..
If P is the force acting on the body, m is the mass of the body and a is the acceleration of the body, then according to Newton's second law of motion,
If the degree of saturation of a partially saturated soil is 60%, then air content of the soil is
If R and T are rise and tread of a stair spanning horizontally, the steps are supported by a wall on one side and by a stringer beam on the other side, the steps are designed as beams of width
The decision making step, which consists of organization goals, predicting alternatives and communicating goals is called __________
In 1st angle projection, the left side view will be left side of front view.
When GRIHA was launched in India?
The energy possessed by a liquid particle by virtue of its position is known as
The stresses developed in concrete and steel in reinforced concrete beam 25 cm width and 70 cm effective depth, are 62.5 kg/cm2 and 250 kg/cm2 respectively. If m = 15, the depth of its neutral axis is
Curve of any shape can be drawn in perspective by enclosing it in a
The particle size range is measured by
are usually mounted on two or four pneumatic tyred wheels.
The velocity component after striking the surface will be_