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Civil Quiz 9
Needle scaffolding used _____
Iron ore may contain
e-commerce does not include
For a continuous floor slab supported on beams, the ratio of end span length and intermediate span length, is
When the cross-hairs are not clearly visible,
_____Chutes are used for transferring the concrete from low level to high level._____ Is it true or false ?
in the reinforced concrete footing can be calculated.
The discharge over a right angled notch is (where H = Height of liquid above the apex of notch)
Heat of hydration of C3S at 90 days is _______ cal/g
The static formula is based on the assumption that the ultimate bearing capacity Qup is equal to
What is the maximum shear force acting on the beam shown below.
The brick is considered dry when the moisture content is
The submerged or buoyant unit weight of soil is equal to the
""" In open caisson sand filling is used for the transferring the load from well cap to bottom plug."" Is it true or false?"
While designing the demineralisation plant what is considered as the strong acidic cation load?
allow the water to strike the vanes fixed on runner without shock at inlet
Siliceous sand subjected to metamorphic action is known as
Plywood is made by bonding together thin layers of wood in such a way that the angle between grains of any layer to grains of adjacent layers is
DC means
The pipe through which liquid waste carrying human excreta flows, is called
Flow in a pipe where average flow parameters are considered for analysis is an example of
If the precipitate formed is soft, loose and slimy, these are __________ and if the precipitate is hard and adhering on the inner wall, it is called _____________
Soundness test of cement determines
What is the colour of ozone?
If the natural water content of soil mass lies between its liquid limit and plastic limit, the soil mass is said to be in
A regular cone first placed in such a way its axis is perpendicular to V.P and next this is tilted such that its base is making some acute angle with V.P. The top view for previous and later one will be.
Factor of safety is the ratio of
A simply supported beam 6 m long and of effective depth 50 cm, carries a uniformly distributed load 2400 kg/m including its self weight. If the lever arm factor is 0.85 and permissible tensile stress of steel is 1400 kg/cm2 , the area of steel required, i
Planning is --------------process
In masonry construction, excessive tension is not permissible and hence in order that the supporting area is fully in compression, the width of footing is so adopted that the centre of gravity of the load falls.
The ratio between the area of a crop irrigated and the quantity of water required during its entire period of the growth, is known as